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Cartel Vectorization

January 19, 2013 @ 8:00 am

1) A Cartel is not a Course: the topic and method of transmission are constructed with regard to a collective work and not simply that of a professor and a group of students.

2) Vectorization is the combinatorial method by which topics are chosen and distributed to those participating the Sclinic.

3) Summary of Procedure:

a) Send three topics that you want to work on with others to the vector.

b) These topics will be gathered and corresponded to each other by like themes. Those that present a majority will be elected for the cartel topics of that semester, then sent back to you.

c) Choose between the elected cartels for that semester.

d) Note the people in the collection, then choose a +1 (or instructor) for that cartel. Also, if necessary choose those you care to work with. There may be names on the collective that you would prefer to work with over others.e) Send your completed decisions back to vector. You will be sent a notification shortly by the vector informing you of the cartels that formed.  You will be notified by the +1 of the places and times it will meet (usually twice per month).

4) To enroll for cartels you must be registered as adherent or auditor in the Sclinic.  See the Sclinic page for more information



January 19, 2013
8:00 am
Event Category:


Vectorization Begins
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