Summer Immersion: The Logic of Identity & Difference
Subject: Immersive introduction to the Logic of Predicates-Model Theory with a special focus on the problem...
Vectorization of 2018 Cartels Now Open
Cartels begin in October 2018. (Dates to be announced by email) Please send in three...
End of 2018 Cartel Vectorization
All cartel topics are now due.
First Fall Cartel – Logic, Set, Peirce
The first meeting of the Logic-Set-Peirce Cartel will meet Sat. the 6th, from 10:00am to...
Seminar: Constructing Oedipus by R. Groome
ISEPP Conference Toronto
International Society for Ethical Psychology and Psychiatry
ISEPP Conference Toronto – Re-thinking Criminality and Madness
Re-thinking Criminality and Madness: Conference of Robert Groome in behalf of PLACE in Toronto at...