PASS CA, United StatesJurors, Passe, Passer, and Secretary are asked to note this date for attendance.
Sclinic Course
Sclinic Course Euclid, United StatesThe following for Sat. 11:00 am Course is an outline: 0) List of articles of...
Spring 2013 General Assembly
April 20, 2:30 - 4:30: GENERAL ASSEMBLY, EUCLID – a) Comments and Critique of the...
Projective Geometry Cartel
Quadrangle-Quadrilateral: Diagonals in Projective Geometry
Psychosis-Neurosis: Knot/Non knot
Last Course of the Semester. Will focus on detailing the Oedipus Complex in a theory...
Projective Geometry
Last Projective Geometry Cartel of the Spring Semester.
General Assembly Extension
Extended General Assembly
Summer Immersion Begins
Part II: Set theory and Logic via Topological Diagrams. 1) Introduction to the progression from...
Registration Deadline for Fall 2013
Registration Closes/ Cartel Vectorization Begins
Fall 2013 Sclinic Begins
Courses and Cartels (to be announced)
Cartel Vectorization Begins
Steps: 1) Register 2) Send in three topics to the Secretary: 3) Wait for...
First Sclinic Course: Oedipus Constructed
Sept.28 First Fall Seminar: Oedipus Constructed – Presentation of Oedipus constructed in a Topology by...