
Cartel Vectorization

Vectorization Begins

1) A Cartel is not a Course: the topic and method of transmission are constructed...

First Sclinic Course

Sclinic Course Euclid, Santa Monica

The Painting and Topology of Repression What is the difference between Neurosis and Psychosis? In...


PASS CA, United States

Jurors, Passe, Passer, and Secretary are asked to note this date for attendance.

Sclinic Course

Sclinic Course Euclid, United States

The following for Sat. 11:00 am Course is an outline: 0) List of articles of...

Spring 2013 General Assembly

April 20, 2:30 - 4:30: GENERAL ASSEMBLY, EUCLID – a) Comments and Critique of the...

Projective Geometry

Last Projective Geometry Cartel of the Spring Semester.

Summer Immersion Begins

Part II: Set theory and Logic via Topological Diagrams. 1) Introduction to the progression from...

Course repeats every Saturday until the end of July. See Virtual site for more info.

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