Summer Immersion 2024

Summer Immersion 2024

Title: From Duality to Non-Boolean Algebras

Dates: July 7, 13, 14, 27,28

Time: 11:30am –1:00pm PST 

Abstract: Topology, Algebra, and Category Theory provide separate interpretations of the logical background of a mathematical universe. The course will search for possible interconnections between these different fields. The mini-course reviews the appearance of duality in mathematical structures to explain the fundamental role of bi-Heyting algebras in representing non-Boolean algebras. Each lecture contains a 60-minute presentation + 30 minutes of open questions.

Instructor: Ali Shojaei-Fard

Mathematician and Independent Scholar,

Title: The Logic of Sexuation via Predicate – Propositional Logic – Boolean Rings

Dates and Times:

July 6  9:30am –11:15am PST 

July 13 9:30am – 11:15am PST

July 14 9:30am – 11:15am PST

July 27 9:30am – 11:15am PST

July 28 9:30am – 11:15pm PST

Abstract: Introduction to the Logic of Predicates, Propositions, and Boolean Rings as a means to read Lacan’s logic of sexuation. The course is open to anyone and requires no previous background in logic or mathematics. To follow the presentations, participants should be working through something like Quine’s Methods of Logic (first two sections). Textual references to the development of a logic of sexuation in Lacan can be found in the L’identification and Encore seminars and/or the text LEtourdit

Instructor: Robert ‘Scully Maywood’ Groome

Analyst and Researcher in Mathematics-Logic

Suggested donation for both courses for the whole month is $100.