Summer 2020 Immersion -LOGIC,SET, & TOPOLOGY-CATEGORY
The 2020 Summer Immersion will begin Saturday, July 11th at 10:00am (till 1:30pm) on Euclid (distance participation is available by Skype). The course will continue till Aug. 1st. There may also be some Sundays that will be included depending on the development of the course. In all we are planning on 5-6 courses: four Saturdays + one or two Sundays. The instructor is R.T.Groome
The course will be recorded on Skype for those who are unable to attend on certain dates. The tuition for the Immersion is $450.
Description of Course: LOGIC, SET, & CATEGORY-TOPOLOGY
First of all, the Summer Immersion is neither a seminar nor a cartel, but a course: it is directed towards the instruction of what is habitually called a ‘technique’, but we simply call a procedure of writing. The course assumes no previous background, only a certain perseverance with regard to the material.
Second, the material to be covered - logic, set, and category-topology - will be presented in concern for those woking in the field of analysis who would like to both arrive at a more precise articulation of their work and develop a reading of Lacan that does not fall back into metaphor and commentary.
Third, a book by Peter Cameron entitled, Sets, Logic, and Categories, (see PDF below) will be used as a reference for the course. Though not as detailed as Hillel and Frankel’s Foundations of Set Theory, it is more expansive and a much more up to date and readable book. The book can also serve to establish a minimal basis to the languages necessary for entering into a work of structure in the manner of Lacan. This much said, the book will be approached critically as there are many assumptions that, once deconstructed, can become useful to showing what is at stake in reading a technical work in the field of analysis.
Fourth, if you have not participated in a previous cartel on Logic, Sets, or Categories-Topology, you can already begin to get into the wind by beginning to work through this text before the Summer Immersion begins on July 11th. In particular, I would work through Chpt.1, Naive Set Theory, and Chpt. 3 Logic (propositional) and Chpt,. 4 First Order Logic ( predicate). The first meeting of the Summer Immersion will address any questions with regard to Naive Set Theory, Propositional Logic, or First Order Logic.
Fifth, if you have already participated in a previous cartel on Logic, Sets, or Categories-Topology, then you could confirm your knowledge by reading through Chpt.1,3, and 4, then turn to Chpts. 5 and 6, respectively, Model Theory and Axiomatic Set Theory.
Lastly, my goal is to show how a model of set theory can be constructed through the use of Venn diagrams, then how such diagrams translate quite naturally into topological and categorical diagrams as graphs and knots. In order to show how this translation between languages-theories-diagrams is crucial to a reading of Lacanian analysis, I will also pass out an unpublished paper on the logic of the Mobius band that brings together both Algebra (Boolean and Group), Logic, and Knot Theory.
If you are planning on attending the course, please contact the secretary at PLACE@topoi.net to reserve a place soon. The attendance of the Immersion is limited to 10 people. If you have already registered for the course, you will be notified shortly.